iPhone 6 6S Armband with Free Screen Protector (Black) - Product Review

iPhone 6 6S Armband with Free Screen Protector (Black)

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I am really impressed with the quality of the material as well as how good the phone worked through the cover. I tried it on and it was very lightweight and comfortable. The Velcro was nice and strong and has a large range for different arm sizes. There's a slot for a house key if you wanted to take one and not loose it. The touch screen feature allows you to mess with your phone while it's still in the case. I like that you don't have to take it out to take a phone call or change something. I haven't ever ran when it was dark but I did test out the reflectors on the arm band and they are pretty great. I like that you can put it on and take that night run & be able to have that extra reflector so people can see you.

I enjoyed wearing this. Overall really comfortable. As all armbands I have used it did move around a lot during the high impact workouts. Wired headphones fit and where no problem to run in.

***I received this product free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest review***


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